"Planting seeds is okay and should be valued. As a leader I may not always see the flowers bloom, especially in communities that are still searching for sunlight." #WildflowerEnterprises Our work for Wildflower Enterprises is all about connecting women. Kaitlyn and I learn lessons as we go forward with this work. These are four goals we strive for: 1. Empower women to advocate for their needs and health 2. Create safe and supportive spaces 3. Sustainability, meaning health in sustainable development for communities, building sustainable leadership for small groups, and sustainability regarding environmental care. 4. Justice for those who have been victimized With all of these goals in mind we strive to be open to the creativity and innovation that provides spaces for wildflowers grow in healthy ways. A lesson we are learning and one for any leader is: "Planting seeds is okay and should be valued. As a leader I may not always see the flowers bloom...