Some days you get a novel accomplished and you feel like a million dollars, and some days you sit doing nothing maybe just playing on your phone with no thoughts what so ever in your mind. Then some days you are just in between both. You get dressed for the day, grab something quick for breakfast, get to work casually get a little work done, come home and play on your phone or watch TV and order take out for the rest of the night. Which one describes you the most? I will say I was and still number three most days now a days. However, three or four years ago I was number one most days. I was really working for my career and made sure I looked like a million dollar professional before I left the house for work each day. I like the way I am now though. I still work extremely hard at work, and maybe we don't order take out as much as I think because I am cooking and trying new recipes quite a bit, but I have come to realize my job I have in corporate America isn't as valuable to me...